Open weekend post: Hosted by the unscripted Twilight actors
Dear Twilight actors, Once Breaking Dawns 1&2 are out and a few years have passed and Summit re-releases the DVD’s into some huge boxed set can we get some extra special features. One I pray for...
View ArticleOpen Post: BrookeLockart gets on the red carpet
For this week’s Open Post, we remember back to when that movie about vampires came out in June. Remember the one? Remember all the stuff that happened during the month of June for LTT & our...
View ArticleOpen Post: Love Letter to Jackson Rathbone, her new #1!
(Oh Jackson you’re always getting the love even when we dog you! Lieutenant Twilight writes you a letter today while we’ve Gone Fishin’. Tuck it between your banjo-lin and the trimmings from your...
View ArticleOpen Weekend Post: Vampires Suck (or some people think)
The movie Vampires Suck opened this week & Luludee sent us a letter about it just in time! Dear Twilight, Imagine the sound effects for THIS bling! Let me be the first to congratulate you! Or...
View ArticleIt’s the freakin’ weekend, I’m about to have me some fun!
(name that lyric!) Dear LTT-ers, This is a weekend post! Don’t act so surprised!! Anyway just something fun to watch and something to get you ready for your holiday shopping! Our friends over at The...
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